Out with the Old, In with the Wow: Strategic Approaches to Future-Proofing Fraud and Compliance

What you'll learn

  • Understanding the Triggers: Identify the key factors that drive financial institutions to switch technology providers and how to recognize when it’s time for a change.
  • Strategic Implementation: Learn best practices for transitioning to a new technology stack, ensuring minimal disruption and maximum impact.
  • Future-Proofing: Discover how to select partners and tools that will help your institution stay ahead of emerging fraud and compliance challenges.

About the webinar

Financial institutions face increasing pressure to modernize their fraud and AML compliance tools. However, making a switch to a new technology provider can be daunting.

In this webinar, we bring together experts from Sallie Mae and Q2 to discuss the key triggers that lead to technology transitions, the advantages of working with innovative partners like Unit21, and how to approach such a shift strategically.

Whether you’re actively considering a change or just starting to evaluate your options, this discussion will offer valuable insights into making a smooth and effective transition.

Featured speakers

BSA/AML Officer
Principal Digital Strategist
Head of Partnerships

FAQ Section

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