AI-Powered ACH Fraud Prevention & Investigation

Discover 4 key features

  • ACH Risk Score: Predict R10 Returns before they happen 
  • Out-of-the-Box ACH Rules: Implement flexible, no-code rules at go-live 
  • Counterparty Risk: 3rd party signals that stop risky transactions in their tracks. 
  • AI Agent for Investigations: Automate ACH fraud investigations

About the webinar

With P2P, digital banking, online marketplaces, and gig economy payouts, ACH transactions are more prevalent and faster than ever. 

Banks, Credit Unions and Fintechs today need a solution that can protect both them and their customers against unexpected & unauthorized ACH returns; and minimize ACH fraud while maximizing fund accessibility to their customers. 

If you’re a fraud practitioner, tune in to see how to proactively safeguard your institution and automate your ACH fraud review process with Unit21.

Featured speakers

Head of Fraud Risk
Solutions Engineer

FAQ Section