Predict Returns & Reduce ACH Fraud Loss 

Unit21’s ACH fraud solution empowers financial institutions (FIs) & Fintechs to block fraudulent ACH transactions.

With purpose-built technology optimized by machine learning (ML) and AI, ACH return rates are dramatically reduced while customer transactions are processed swiftly.

Purpose-Built to Stop ACH Fraud

Detect Risk

Increase detection accuracy via machine learning, reducing false positives.

Prevent Fraud

Stop fraudulent ACH transactions before they hit, reducing losses.

Respond Confidently 

Achieve faster investigations and resolution times with AI automation.

A Comprehensive & Proactive Solution


Predict R10 Returns with a Transparent ML-driven Score

An ML model customized with your data, flags R10s before they happen by providing a score and the reasons behind it.

With trust in the score, confidently focus on strategic growth and significantly reduce ACH risk and return rates.


Detect ACH Fraud Quickly and Accurately with OOTB Rules

Unit21 is prescriptive in providing rules for common ACH fraud scenarios, yet flexible with real-time monitoring, dynamic models, and editable rule templates.

Start detecting ACH fraud within minutes of go-live to reduce false positives.


Stop Fraudulent Transactions with Consortium Risk Signals

Get a comprehensive view of risk while enriching your data with consumer, business and bank account information as well as historical comparisons. Validate easily with fuzzy name matching. 

As part of our Consortium, you’re able to block known fraudulent payment destinations to protect customers and reduce fraud losses.


Automate ACH Fraud Investigations with AI 

Rely on Unit21’s AI Agent to automate manual investigations and streamline case management tasks such as online entity search and document analysis while still including a human in the loop.

Reduce investigation time by over 60% with AI Agent.

Prescriptive Yet Flexible Use Cases

Unit21’s ACH fraud solution can accommodate any use case. Here are a few.
ACH Check Kiting Prevention
ACH Check Kiting Prevention
Business Email compromise
Business Email Compromise
First party fraud detection
1st-Party Fraud Detection
Money Mule Detection
Money Mule Detection
Stolen Account Details
Stolen Account Details
Scam detection
Scam Detection
Employee fraud
Employee Fraud
See Unit21 in action
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Protect Customers & Your Bottom Line

Learn more about how Unit21’s ACH fraud solution reduces false positives, increases detection accuracy, and prevents more fraud.
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