360° Check Fraud Prevention

Unit21’s check fraud solution empowers Financial Institutions and Fintechs to proactively prevent, identify, and take action on check fraud.

Centralize investigations, increase detection accuracy, and reduce fraud loss with a view into suspicious check activity.

Optimized for Immediate Check Fraud Action

Better Prevention

Reduce fraud loss by proactively flagging stolen checks and catching suspicious activity with a risk-based approach.

Better Investigation

Improve efficiency by automating countless manual verification steps, equipping investigators to promptly and confidently address risk.

Holistic Protection across the Customer Lifecycle


Centralize and automate transactions, deposits, and images

You don’t have to be a handwriting expert - Unit21 provides integrated check image analysis tools within the transaction alert.

Improve the speed and effectiveness of your check investigation process by automating 20+ verification points, including transaction, account, and entity data review.


Detect check fraud quickly and accurately with OOTB rules

Decrease alert resolution time with customizable rules that leverage all your data, including device intelligence, check images, and historical transactions.

Reduce false positives by detecting common check fraud scenarios within minutes of go-live.


Block compromised and stolen checks

Stop fraudulent checks before they propagate with suspicious activity alerts from the dark web, Telegram, and other watchlists, including the Unit21 Fraud Consortium.

Proactively alert customers that their check/account credentials have been compromised, increasing trust and reducing fraud loss.


Automate check fraud investigations with an AI Agent

Rely on Unit21’s AI Agent to automate manual investigations and streamline case management tasks such as online entity search, document analysis, and check image analysis while still having a human in the loop.

Reduce investigation time by over 60% with AI Agent.

See What Our Customers Are Saying

"After turning on Unit21's check fraud rules and alerting, specifically dark web monitoring, we caught and prevented $50,000 in potential check fraud from just the initial 7 alerts.”

Jo Davenport. SVP Fraud Director, CFCI
Third Coast Bank SSB

Prescriptive Yet Flexible Use Cases

Unit21’s check fraud solution can accommodate any use case. Here are a few.
Check Forgery Detection
Digital Alteration Detection
Chemical Alteration Detection
Check Theft Alert
Check Kiting Prevention
Fake Paycheck Scams
See Unit21 in action
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A Complete View of All Check Activity

Take action before an account is compromised with check image analysis, dark web monitoring, AI-powered investigations, and real-time rules. Learn more today.
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