Greetings and welcome to our November product update! At Unit21, our mission is to keep you at the forefront in your battle against financial crime. This month, we have rolled out 28 product updates specifically designed to enhance the efficiency of investigative processes.
📣 Key Feature Announcements
Entity-Centric Investigations: A Solution for Streamlined Investigations
Customer Problem:
When an entity has multiple open alerts, the process of assigning alerts is cumbersome and prone to duplication. Agents often leave the Unit21 platform and resort to manual grouping with Excel spreadsheets before assigning alerts; after which they then have to go back into the platform to individually review and close each alert.
The Solution:
Entity-Centric Investigations is designed to optimize the efficiency of assigning, reviewing and taking action on multiple alerts associated with one entity. By consolidating multiple alerts associated with one entity into a comprehensive alert view, this feature significantly reduces the number of alerts to review. This streamlined approach enables agents to assess entities holistically and allows for downstream optimizations, such as prioritizing entities based on the number of associated alerts.
Key Features:
- Aggregate Information Displayed: Total Alerts, Open Alerts, Most Pressing Deadline, Total Flagged Amount
- Sort-By Options: Agents will have the flexibility to sort alerts by the following columns: Most Pressing Deadline, Open Alerts and Total Flagged Amount
- Filter Application Consistency: The alerts and new ‘Entity” columns will align with the alert filters applied on all pages
- Page-Specific Alert Actions: ‘Admin’ and ‘My Alerts’ pages will retain their existing alert actions. For example, when admins are on the ‘Admin’ alert page with the ‘Group By’ entity option selected, they can continue to perform bulk actions, exports and reassignments
- ‘Queued’ Alerts Page: display available alerts for agents across all assigned queues and also offer the ‘Group By’ entity option. This enables agents to efficiently perform bulk alert assignments.

Keep fighting the good fight and know that we’re here to support you every step of the way.
Contact us (link to anytime with questions or support needs.
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