Unit21 named a Leading Vendor for AML Transaction Monitoring

Liminal Index: Anti-Money Laundering Transaction Monitoring for Financial Services and Fintechs

What you'll learn

  • Challenges include: Rising AML program costs; Fragmented global regulations; An uncertain outlook for AI.
  • Future demands include: Utilizing AI to the extent allowed by law; The need for a end-to-end AML platform from onboarding to transaction monitoring.
  • Key purchasing criteria (KPC) for AML include: Regulatory compliance; Scalability; Data quality; Product integrations

About this report

Financial services and Fintechs can expect to save between $2.5M to $37M per year by leveraging a leading AML transaction monitoring solution

And Unit21 is very proud to be named one of those few Leading Vendors. 

In fact, Financial institutions and Fintechs can expect to return $5.30 for every $1 spent on a top AML Transaction Monitoring solution.

Dive into the report to understand what sets Unit21 apart from the 70 other vendors evaluated.

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