Proactive Fraud Prevention, Detection & Investigation with Unit21

No matter the type of fraud, the speed at which fraud is changing, is overwhelming. It’s more critical than ever for fraud teams to be proactive.

Unit21 reduces fraud losses with signals that allow you to confidently approve or block high risk transactions - either in real-time or in batch. Our Fraud solution empowers you to create, test, and tune rules without relying on engineering moving your organization from fraud detection to fraud prevention by proactively identifying suspicious activity so you can stop them before they occur.

  • Monitoring Users in Real Time: Ingest any type of data and visualize it in one place for a 360 view of user activities

  • Reduce False Positives: Create, test & launch new rules within minutes with ML to aid alert prioritization, reduce investigation time, and prevent backlogs

  • Investigations and Recovery: Review transactional data, alerts, and users to conduct fraud investigations to aid in loss recovery–and instantly modify alerts and rules
Get a personalized demo from Unit21.
Head of Fraud Risk